Friday, August 29, 2008

Me and my Buddy

Today I am so tired! It was a struggle to get out of bed this morning. I got up with Lucas at six and gave him his bottle and sent him and Billy up to get my a extra large coffee. I did manage to get us out the door and to Stroller Stride class my 8:30, that I am proud of. Once I got that caffeine in my veins and the blood pumping at class, I was feeling much better. Lucas had a great morning at class(no melt downs), slept and did great in the car, and I managed to get a shower and get ready while he played in his bouncer. I took these pics while I was waiting for my friend Nickie to come over, we went to lunch with Jodie(the awesome photographer who takes Lucas's pics). She is shooting at Nickies wedding in September. Thank you Kristen for babysitting, sorry his was crabby! He is getting his teeth and he is getting to know when his mommy is gone. It is going to get harder to leave him with people, he is a people person and it doesn't take him long to warm up to people. I think he is just extra crabby because of his teeth. Come on teeth, come in already!!! Billy and I may be going out for a few hours tonight if Ma Ma Nancy will watch him. We have not been out by ourselves in over a month in a half. We need some us time! I had a great moms night out with the Luna Moms club last night. I wasn't going to go, but I went and I am glad I did. We went to paint your pottery place. It was fun and I felt better because I had a few hours to myself. I hear my little man now, up from is nap. Tootles!

1 comment:

Jodie Allen said...

Just had to say it here... that green dress is adorable!!! thanks for lunch, that was so sweet! can't wait for the wedding!