This is our little jumping bean, he can now get up and hold onto the rails and jump. We just lowered his bed a few days ago and putting him to bed since has been a challenge. We have our regular bedtime routine with dinner, bath,bottle and bed. I usually give him his bottle while I rock him to sleep. After he has his bottle and is asleep,I put him in his crib and he wakes right up. He then starts jumping. It is like he knows when I put him in bed and then he thinks its time to play. Maybe his sleep schedule is changing and he will be staying up later, but this kid gets a sudden burst of energy. This is a challenge for me because this is my time to get stuff done. I stayed up until midnight last night just doing odds and ends. Getting stuff done during the day now is hard, he is constantly pulling up and I know the one time I turn away he will fall and have an injury.
We went to get his Halloween costume last night. Lucas got scared at the store, there was some gross mannequin that made weird noises and his brain popped out of his head. He just stared at it and then puckered up and started crying. Billy then started putting on all the masks and got some giggles out of him. We went to two stores and ended up getting him the Batman costume. We put the mask on him to see if he would tolerate it and he just grunted. It is pretty cute and not to confining.
1 comment:
Too cute...I was just thinking I better enjoy the time I have to do stuff when Luke is in his walker b/c the minute he is mobile it is over! Looking forward to seeing some batman shots :)
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