Lucas had his one year check up yesterday. He is a healthy growing boy weighing in at 22lbs and 6oz and 30 inches long. He is 25% in weight, 65% in height and 80%in head circumference. He still has a big head. He is taking only one bottle a day now at bedtime and the binky needs to be gone by 18 months. We are now working on getting him to sleep all night in his own bed. He did great up until he started teething and waking up about 3 months ago and we would put him in bed with us. We also got into the bad habit of putting him to sleep in our bed and then putting him in his bed later. We have totally fudged this whole bedtime thing up. Last night he went down in his own bed and woke about two times, but not for long and he went back to sleep pretty quickly. Nap time is another story. For the past 30 minutes this kid has been crying and crying in his crib. He is so tired, we have had a busy morning and he is exhausted. The doctor said that they can cry up to an hour and that is ok. She also said do not go in and rock or pick them up, just let them get used to it and eventually they will fall asleep. This is really hard for me and yesterday he did fall asleep. When he woke up his eyes were all puffy from crying so much. I need to get through the next few days without caving. Billy is so against this "crying it out" thing, it makes him furious. He doesn't have to sleep next to him every night and worry about rolling over on him . Yes, my husband is an loud and awful snorer and sleeps on the couch the majority of the time. I am ok with it, I need my sleep and we have come to terms with that. Anyway, I think he may be getting up and I am going to take some Tylenol and maybe take a nap myself. I have some pics and videos to share, I will post later. OMG...I think he if FINALLY asleep!
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