Riding a way to fast kiddie rollercoaster that mommy had to tell the scary carni guy to stop early and let us off. We rode one similar to this in Ocean City and it was way slower and he loved it. This one was faster and whipped around the corners and Lucas' eyes where huge. He didnt cry and when we got off he wanted back on and through a fit. Go figure....I have a little dare devil.

My cousin trying to get a family shot..not successful as you can see. Thanks for trying Kristen:)

Mommy and Lucas at the Eureka Days parade. One of the few photos of me and my little guys. Billy has been getting better at using the camera.

A week after we got back from vacation he got a bad lower respitory infecion. He was weezing so we had to do breathing treatments at home. He was a trooper as long as Sponge Bob was on tv.
1 comment:
Looks like fun. So did you have to get off the roller coaster because you felt sick? Lucas wanted to get back on huh? He's so cute!!
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