This picture is awesome, this is his new face he makes. Anything he sees that he likes or if you act surprised and excited, he makes this expression. This is after his surgery and he had to have his foot elevated to keep the swelling down. We read lots of books and just snuggled. He did good with the cast for the first day, but managed to get the splint off Friday night after dinner. We had to take him to the doctor Saturday morning and have them re-splint it. By the time we left the office and went to the grocery store, he was wiggling his way out of that one. We decided that we would just wrap it the best we could and just forget the splint. He seems to be doing good with that and he doesn't seem to be in any pain. He has a cold and that seems to be a bigger deal right now then his foot. He was up ALOT at night over the weekend. He is really congested and just not sleeping well, which means that I am not sleeping well. It made for a crabby little boy and a crabby mommy. I started getting emotional and just felt like a bad mom all around. It was a challenge and I hope he gets to feeling better and sleeping better too.
1 comment:
Awww...don't get down on yourself. You are a wonderful mom and their are always going to be rough spots. You are doing the best you can and I hope you both feel better and sleep better soon.
Have a great day!!
Love you all!!
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