Uh..Yeah, Blu and Elmo had some words! The new Elmo Live(talks, tells stories and sings) and Blu(my needy little brown pooch) had a little misunderstanding the other day. In a rush to grab some toys the other morning I forgot to latch the basement gate and the dogs had a hay day on Lucas's play mat and his toys. Elmo seemed to get the worst of the deal! Lucas loves Elmo and every time we play him, Blu just looks at it like"you have to be kidding me!". She gets this gleam in her eye like she wants to rip its head off! Well I guess she seized the opportunity and GAME ON! I was pretty mad at first, but I kind of laugh when I think of what that was like. I can just see the red fur flying and Blu just having grand ol' time. With a little glue and a band aid, Elmo is back in business, but Blue still wants to settle the score!
too funny! we had the same thing happen to poor old curious george...his eyes were plucked out and the dog room had stuffing everywhere :)
i think i feel the same way about elmo that the dog does! :)
that is too cute!! I'm glad to see Elmo is back in business.
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