Thursday, July 2, 2009

Holy Guacamole!

Lucas LOVES Guacamole! When we go out for Mexican, which is every Friday night now, we get him his own bowl of it. He eats every last bit of it and just mmmm's the whole time. To funny how he is just like his mommy and daddy and loves Mexican food.

He had a much better day at daycare yesterday. When we went to pick him up he was sitting on the teachers lap reading a book. As soon as he seen us he started crying. They said they kept him very busy so he stayed up thru his morning nap and took a two hour nap in the afternoon. He ate his lunch and loved the chex mix they had for a snack. I think this will get easier every day that he goes. The teacher is just awesome and they even got his binky and blanket away from him for while. He even went to sleep with out his bink. That is craziness. For the last couple of weeks through the packing and moving he has become very attached to the bink and blanket. He carries it around everywhere now, I just don't have the heart to be strict about it right now, he needs that security for a bit.

We are getting packed and ready for the weekend at Rend lake. Walmart run and doing laundry are on the to do list. I took some pics of the new house last night, I will post them later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is hillarious...I can't believe he like guacamole that much. I've never really thought about that being something a little kid would like. I guess it does have the same consistency as baby food. His face is too funny! Have fun at the lake.