Saturday, December 27, 2008

Check out my Tot Rod!

What a face, he is so excited. He loves this car!

He is doing the scrunchie face again, I love it! He is also very interested in sniffing everything and he makes this face when does.

We are all packed and ready to go. Billy is getting his haircut and then we are off to the airport. Some wicked storms heading this way, I just hope we get out of here before they hit. Wish us luck and we will be thinking of you all.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas...HO, HO, HO!!!

Merry Christmas to everyone!!! Lucas loved his new car, he has already made multiple laps around the basement this morning! It is really cool, it has a long handle on the back that you can control the speed and steering. I made some french toast and he loved that(with lots of powdered sugar..of course). The two boys are taking a nap and I have already started laundry and made a lasagne and I am now just catching up in blogland. I feel truly blessed this year to have healthy little boy and a wonderful husband. I feel so bad that I am so bitch a times to Billy, because he is a total spaz and I have no patience. That is always my new years resoulution, but I cave every year. I just have no patience! I thought having a child would help that, but no such luck. I really hope I can overcome this, I don't want to be a bitchy mom or wife. We shall see!

Off to Billy's brothers today, I miss my family and wish they were here! Maybe next year we will have a big house and I can have the holiday. A girl can dream on Christmas..! Have a great day!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Lucas has a new He gets the closet open and starts taking out all the shoes and I have alot of them. Maybe he has a love of shoes like his mommy! It is kind of nice, it keeps him occupied for quite some time and I can get alot done.

We had a nice weekend, finished up some shopping and got to go out for a few hours last night. We went out in "civilization" as my husband was telling people. It is freezing today and we stayed in most of the day. Lucas and I took two naps today and I feel like I caught up on alot of my sleep. Five more days and we will be in Mexico! I have alot to do tonight and the next few days, but tonight I am going to catch up on Tivo and start my packing, wrapping and laundry tomorrow. Have a great Monday!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My little reindeer

We bought these reindeer ears at Grandma Becky's work at 6 am on Sunday. He woke up at five and we had a bottle and bundled up to go to grandmas work. He actually let me put them on and surprisingly keep them on. What a sport!
We had a great weekend celebrating the holidays with family. Some had never met Lucas before so that was fun. We are staying home this weekend and finishing up shopping and wrapping presents. Twelve days until we leave for Mexico, so I am going to start getting things ready for our trip too. Looking forward to being home and resting up before the next crazy couple of weeks.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Crazy Friday

My day started at 4:45 this morning when my beloved son decided it was time to wake up for the day. I thought I would get him a bottle and then he would lay down with me for another hour or two. Oh, only in my DREAMS! We played, I made a really good spinach quiche(Billy is on some low carb craze), showered and dressed and off to the foot dr by 8:45. His foot has healed great and we have a follow up in a year. He was cute as can be and flirted with all the girls at the office. We picked up my cousin Craig from the airport and he hung out with us for the day. We went to Helens and then walked the mall and we all came home and took a nap. Well, they did. After all my catch up and messes to clean up, I managed to close my eyes for ten minutes before Lucas got up. It was a decent rest and kept me from collapsing the rest of the afternoon.. We had a nice visit and now I hoping for some good sleep. Tomorrow we have my family Christmas for my moms side and I am looking forward to a fun weekend. Gotta go, my Benadryl is kicking in.....Ahhhhh, sleep here I come!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well, Lucas has bronchitis! He went to the doctor this morning because last night we found out that Ma Ma had it , so we figured there was a sure chance that he did too. He has had a cold/runny nose, but yesterday he really sounded congested in the chest. He is acting pretty normal, not to crabby. He actually sleep thru the night last night and that is a first in awhile. So we are going to stay in for the next couple days and get him better. We have a family function Saturday, so he should be non-contagious by then and feeling alot better.
I had my moms night out with my Stroller Strides girls tonight and we had our gift exchange. It was fun and it makes me feel so good to talk with other moms and just vent about husbands, babies, life and just the craziness of being a mom. It is really good therapy! The girls are all so nice and I am really glad I found this group.
On another really awesome note, my little niece was born tonight at 6:30, Kendall Marie she weighed 7 lbs 14oz and 21 inches long. Congrats Josh and Michelle, you are going to make terrific parents.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy me and my hubby!

We were married two years ago today and all the things I wanted for us have come true. I wanted a child and wanted the family life. Billy always says that the mind is a powerful thing and that if you tell yourself something everyday these things will come true. With alot of prayers and medical science, we had our little man and all my dreams are coming true. I love our life and our family and here is to many more years to come.

Here we are on our wedding day in Mexico. We had so much fun and it was beautiful. Cheers to us! Billy is an amazing husband and a wonderful father, I couldn't ask for any better. Even though he is crazy silly and drives me up the wall sometimes, he always makes me laugh.

Benedryl....U ROCK!

I called the pediatrian to see if I could give Lucas anything for his runny nose and congestion. She said to try Benedryl and see if that helps, he sleep for Ma Ma for two hours and then another one hour nap later in the afternoon. He really needed some sleep...BAD and he looks so much better. I hope this sleeping thing continues tonight. He is laying with his daddy right now and we are trying to get him to sleep. God, I hope this Benedryl doesnt give him the opposite really hype him up. No, I just checked, they are both out like a light. Thank you for meds!
Tomorrow is our anniversary, two years of wedded bliss. I am loving my life right now, what else could I ask for(besides more sleep). I tell ya, I never was a big sleeper, but now that I don't have a choice in the matter I really miss it. What I wouldn't do for all those saturdays that I could have slept in but didn't. Oh well, deal with it! I have a beautiful baby boy to spend my sleepy days with.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Christmas spirit..all weekend long!

Grandma got him the shirt...He is my good little boy! Poor little man is fighting a cold and has been having a rough couple nights trying to sleep. He is so congested and I wish I could just blow his nose for him. He has a cough too, it is so pathetic to hear a little baby cough. This is him waiting for Santa.

Friday night started off the festivities with dinner and a ride to Bellville to see the lights at Our Lady of Snows. We went with my friends from work and it is our second year doing so. Last year when we were at dinner we sat next to a little boy about Lucas's age and we talked so much about what we thought Lucas would be and look like and how he would be with us the next year. So crazy how fast a year goes! Lucas fell asleep on the way, but I woke him up to see all the lights. He was mesmerized and was a good boy!

This is Lucas checking out Santa over the weekend. We went to a ladies house and Santa read story and the kids got cookies and milk. Thanks Katie for giving me the heads up on that:) When it was his turn to sit on Santa's lap, he just checked him out and made his "O" face. It was cute, no tears thank God.
Saturday night we dropped Lucas off at Ma Ma Nancy's and we had a dinner out for our anniversary. Two years ago we were in Mexico! It was so nice and we needed a night out. Ma Ma watched him over night so I actually had a full solid eight hours of sleep. It was heaven! I feel like somebody plugged me in and I recharged my batteries. I really think we need to get out more often. Poor Ma Ma had a rough night with little man, he was up for two hours in the middle of the night and then was up at five thirty. I felt horrible, but I was glad that he was with his Ma Ma that he loves. He fought a nap and fought bed time, it was like he had a sudden burst of energy, but I know that he is exhausted. Here's to hoping for a decent nights sleep.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Checking out his first snow!
Here is the family on Lucas's first Thanksgiving. He looks so much like me it is scary!! The hair is getting more red every day! Billy looks like such the proud pa pa!

This is that cute little face that he makes ALL the time. Anything or anybody can make him make this face and he knows that it is funny. It is so funny now how he gets what is funny and what reaction he gets out of people.


I have been such a slacker about blogging. It was a very busy holiday weekend, but a great one shared with friends and family. Lucas is doing great, having a rough time with these top two teeth and starting to get a cold. He saw his first snow Sunday am, but way to cold for him to play in it. He woke up and Billy took him to the window and he made is "OH" face. Those who have seen him make his face now how damn cute it is. He is crawling all over and cruising along the furniture. His balance is getting better so I don't have to worry about the major head injuries so much anymore. Making dinner has become a little easier, I can usually find something to keep him occupied while I cook. Last night he played with a empty beer box for thrifty minutes. All the toys he has and a empty card board box keeps him more entertained! Busy month ahead, I will do my best to post daily. I will post some pics of the weekend later, just wanted to drop a line so you don't all think I am a major slacker!