Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas...HO, HO, HO!!!

Merry Christmas to everyone!!! Lucas loved his new car, he has already made multiple laps around the basement this morning! It is really cool, it has a long handle on the back that you can control the speed and steering. I made some french toast and he loved that(with lots of powdered sugar..of course). The two boys are taking a nap and I have already started laundry and made a lasagne and I am now just catching up in blogland. I feel truly blessed this year to have healthy little boy and a wonderful husband. I feel so bad that I am so bitch a times to Billy, because he is a total spaz and I have no patience. That is always my new years resoulution, but I cave every year. I just have no patience! I thought having a child would help that, but no such luck. I really hope I can overcome this, I don't want to be a bitchy mom or wife. We shall see!

Off to Billy's brothers today, I miss my family and wish they were here! Maybe next year we will have a big house and I can have the holiday. A girl can dream on Christmas..! Have a great day!

1 comment:

Jodie Allen said...

i can't wait to see photos of him in his little car! We have one with a handle too and it's great b/c now bailey can push parker! :) child labor laws... ha!