Thursday, August 28, 2008

Newest Item

Here is a picture of the newest item of baby paraphernalia, my new jogging stroller. The pic does it no justice, it is very cool. We still use our other stroller, but this will be much better for bumpy trails and for getting my ass out there running again. I have been slacking on that.

I took the swing apart and put in downstairs in storage. We are running out of room upstairs with his jumper and now the jogger. I feel like we are outgrowing this house already and the big time toy age hasn't even started yet. Not having a garage is really hard, we could store more if we had one. Oh well, we do the best with what we had. I love my house and its location, for now we are staying put. My friend Bree had a good view on that, not having to baby proof another house. Get by for now and then move into something that you don't have to drill holes for gates and pad and bumper everything. I ordered some storage items to keep everything organized.

Off to enjoy and little me time, Lucas is taking his afternoon cat nap . I have already packed for our trip, laundry caught up and the house work is staying up to par.


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